Компания "Банковский Инжиниринг" предлагает пРОГРАММЫ ДОХОДНЫЕ, РРР - ТРЕЙД в Москве по привлекательной цене.
Если Вас заинтересовало данное деловое предложение "ПРОГРАММЫ ДОХОДНЫЕ, РРР - ТРЕЙД", Вы можете уточнить цену, а также условия и стоимость доставки, обратившись по контактным данным или отправив запрос на предложение. Смотрите эту продукцию в соседних регионах: |
Обновлено: 18 февраля 2010 Urgent - Update
This is a 1m upwards Bullet Program through a major Bank in London.
This program is attracting a very substantial flow of Client Applications & is likely to close shortly. The Administrators confirmed that this program only opened this week & has now attracted over 40 Application Packages as of this morning.
It is organised & administered by a friend of ours in conjunction with a Humanitarian Foundation, the Trader & the Platform.
It will be opened & closed very quickly as large quantities of client application documents are currently being processed so you need to approach your clients urgently.
This is a "word of mouth" program - it is private & not being promoted because it will open & close very quickly with preference given to larger Applicants - not smaller ones.
Structure: Operated via a major Bank in London Bank Administrative Hold structure - subject to Acceptable Deposit Bank If Bank not acceptable an account will be made available at the Trade Bank for transfer of funds - account under sole control of client Admin Hold Letter filed in account to "engage" funds JV & Contract Capital: 1m up to 30m - or more in special cases Gross Profit Return: 5 x Capital Period: 14 Days Rolls: 4 x - with potential Compounding - every 14 days - compounding negotiable Profit Split: 75% Client/25% JV Management (normally Only Net can be Reinvested/Compounded) Fees: By agreement Compliance Package: Pre- Agreed Format - copy held here on file
PoF - in English - for the largest amount possible to clear the Deposit Bank & reserve a place. Тип предложения: сотрудничество по продукции Рубрики: Недвижимость, риэлторские услуги в Москве / Готовый бизнес в Москве Отзывы о компании Банковский Инжиниринг0 Отзывов
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Контакты поставщика: Банковский Инжиниринг
Готовый бизнес в Росссии